Cooling System

Coolant system

The engine heating and cooling system is a crutial part of the motor, as well as inside the vehicle its self.

When the vehicle is at normal operating temp, the fluid circulating throughout the motor needs to be controlled. There are many parts to allow this process, including a radiator, thermostat, hoses, pumps, gaskets and more.

If any of these parts are showing signs of wear, or are not operating correctly, the engine is at serious risk of overheating and ultimatly siezing compleatly.

As well as needing heat inside the car, the air conditioning unit is required to provide clean and cool air also.

Common problems that can happen in your cooling system :


Thermostat failure

Blown gasket

Blocked hoses or radiator

Incorrect ratio of anti freeze

Water pump


Cracked hoses

Blown gasket

Damaged radiator

Worn seals

Do you need an advice about your coolant system ? We don't charge for this.

Feel free to contact us.